As the name implies, the .30-06 is a .30 caliber round developed in 1906 when the U.S. military saw the need for a long-range round capable of being fired from their newly developed machine guns. European military forces were beginning to use the recently designed boattailed spitzer bullets with superior aerodynamics and longer effective ranges. Mortars and artillery were not in widespread use at the time, with military leaders relying instead on volley fire for indirect engagement of enemy positions. Naturally, this meant that bullets would need to be able to travel in excess of 1,000 yards and still maintain sufficient velocity. The .30-03 was obsolete almost as soon as it was put into production, being a relatively heavy bullet with a round-nose tip among other problems. Given these flaws, designers scrambled to modify the .30-03 into a more workable design and created the .30-06. The Springlfield M1903 was also modified to utilize the new cartridge. By shortening the case neck slightly and completely changing the bullet from a heavy 220 grain to a sleek 150 grain spitzer, the military soon had their new solution.

The long ranges the .30-06 was designed for also made it very attractive to hunters and long range target shooters seeking a cartridge was both versatile and accurate. The flat trajectory of the .30-06 makes it very effective for taking medium sized game with little to no elevation adjustment needed for distances out to nearly 300 yards. Modern hunting ammunition in .30-06 is available in a wide variety of loads with bullets weighing between 120 and 220 grains, but is most commonly found loaded with bullets between 150 and 180 grains. The case capacity of the .30-06 brass allows it to be loaded to much higher pressures than mil-spec ammunition. Many modern cartridges are loaded to these higher pressures in rifles capable of handling the hotter loads giving the round a muzzle energy that approaches 3,000 foot-pounds.
Given the versatility of this well-rounded cartridge, it's no wonder that it remains one of the most popular cartridges among hunters and target shooters alike.
Dewayne, about 20 years ago Askins wrote a piece in the American Rifleman, The 30-06 Is On The Way Out, or something similar. Readers were really up in arms over that. Typical Askins - Mr. Controversy. It was fun reading all the letters to the ed. I doubt he thouhgt that, but I'm pretty sure he got the reader response he wanted. He probably held stock in postage stamps ... lol!