![]() This article covers basic firearm safety when working with or around firearms, but don’t forget other safety aspects such as safe and secure firearm storage. |
Recently firearm safety has been a topic of much discussion across the internet, in part due to the recent press that Remington has received regarding people injured when a rifle discharged while pointed in an unsafe direction. When working with or around firearms, safety should be at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
Colonel Jeff Cooper first codified the “Four Rules of Firearm Safety” which follow:
Rule 1 : All guns are always loaded
Rule 2: Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy
Rule 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target
Rule 4: Be sure of your target
These rules have been amended and modified over the years, but the principle remains the same. Let’s go over them one by one and discuss what they mean and their importance.
Rule 1 : All guns are always loaded This is probably one of the most controversial rules, as it is obvious that there are obviously times when firearm are not loaded. Some people have modified this rule to read “Treat all guns as if they are loaded” or even “Always know the condition of your firearm.” However you choose to word it, the principle remains the same: Treat a firearm with the respect it deserves, assuming it is loaded until proven and verified otherwise, and furthermore, always respect others around you by acknowledging that they probably do not know whether a firearm is loaded or not.
Rule 2: Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy Along with Rule 3, this is one of the most important rules. Abide by this rule, and even if you ignore the other rules, the chances of something getting injured, hurt, or destroyed are much diminished. Almost every injury or death that has ever resulted from the accidental discharge of a firearm could have been avoided if the muzzle had been pointed in a safe direction. What is a safe direction? Generally, a firearm muzzle should be pointed towards the ground, downrange, or at a minimum away from where people are. Some say that it is safe to point a muzzle towards the sky or ceiling, such as when carrying a slung rifle or shotgun, and in general this is true. But always remember that what goes up always comes back down, and when a firearm is discharged into the air it is possible that someone could be killed or injured or property destroyed when the projectile lands.
Rule 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target This rule, along with Rule 2, is one of the most important rules of firearm safety. Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard. I’m going to repeat this once more: Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire. Though the possibility exists, the chances of a firearm going off without the trigger being pulled are astronomically slim. The number one reason a firearm discharges is because the trigger was pulled. By following this one simple rule you can virtually eliminate the chance that your firearm will discharge when you did not intend it to.
Rule 4: Be sure of your target Many people modify this rule to read “Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.” Why is this so important? It’s very important because you are responsible for every bullet fired by a gun that you are in control of until that bullet comes to a stop. Bullets do not always stop after they hit your target. You may be sure that your target is a deer, but do you know what lies beyond the deer? Even if you land a solid hit on your target it is not only possible but likely, especially when hunting, that your bullet will continue down range for a considerable distance until gravity eventually pulls it down to earth. If you are firing against an earthen berm or other backstop, you need to know that it will reliably stop the rounds you fire into it. Know your firearm, know where it is aimed, know what your target is, and what lies beyond your target.
These are the four basic rules of firearm safety. This article covers basic firearm safety when working with or around firearms, but don’t forget other safety aspects such as safe and secure firearm storage. It is your responsibility as a gun owner to handle firearms in a safe manner, but you also will need to keep your firearms stored safely and securely. In an upcoming article we’ll discuss ways to securely store your pistols and long arms.