We here at Cheaper Than Dirt! regularly receive suggestions and recommendations from our customers. One of the more frequent requests that we receive is for more American made products. While Cheaper Than Dirt doesn't manufacture many products, we do have close ties with our suppliers, and pass on your requests. Leapers UTG, manufacturer of a number of our AR-15 and AK-47 tactical accessories, responded to your requests and has recently opened their first US manufacturing facility located in Michigan.

In 2009, they made the important decision to start their Made-In-the-USA manufacturing operation. With a full commitment to serve more customers in the market with 922(r) compliant products, Leapers has begun making their unique mounting systems under the UTG PRO brand in Michigan, USA. Leapers has reaffirmed their commitment to be innovation-driven and offer their customers the highest quality products with the best value at the most competitive pricing.
Many of you have contacted us here at Cheaper Than Dirt!, and Leapers, in the past to let us know what you need in your particular situations or how our products can be further enhanced. We thank you very much and ask for your continuous support and feedback in the future. Many of those suggestions included requests for all US manufactured parts. Leapers has already begun production of a number of AR-15 parts, including our M4 Carbine, UTG Quad Rail Forearm. Nothing beats having all American-made parts on your AR-15. Currently, only the M4 Carbine rail is being manufactured at their Plymouth facility, but we expect more products to eventually be manufactured right here in the good 'ole USA. Given Leapers commitment to bringing more 922(r) compliant parts to the market, we can surely expect to see even more parts for the AK and SKS market very soon.
Below are some additional photos from Leapers' newest manufacturing facility.

Please tell them to label the parts themselves as "Made in U.S.A." LABEL THE PARTS, please.